
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Parvatheeswarar Temple, Tiruthelicheri, Karaikal – Legends

Parvatheeswarar Temple, Tiruthelicheri, Karaikal – Legends
Bhaskara Sthalam:
Lord Suryan’s wife Chaya Devi was deeply saddened by the fact that her husband was not affectionate to her. When Maharishi Narada informed her father about her state, he was enraged and cursed Lord Suryan. Suryan lost his shining glory and in order to seek relief from this curse he started visiting many temples. He came to this place, created a spring and worshiped Lord Parvatheeswarar. The lord answered his prayers and relieved him from the curse. As Lord Suryan is also known as Bhaskara, the lord here is also praised as Bhaskara Lingam and this place is known as Bhaskara Sthalam. It is believed that Lord Suryan worships Lord Shiva of this temple by directing his rays on the lingam for 10 days starting from 13th to 22nd in the Tamil month of Panguni (March-April) every year.
Another legend associated with this place is that involving Goddess Parvathi. She was angry with her father, Dakshan, for not having given Lord Shiva the respect that he deserves. For this reason, she no longer wished to be called Dakshan’s daughter. Lord Shiva blessed her to born on earth as the daughter of Sage Kathyayana in Thiruthelichery. She performed rigorous penance here and when she attained the marriage age, she took her place at Lord Shiva’s side. As she performed penance (Thapas in Tamil) here, she is praised as Thapasvini. As Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvathy here, he is also praised as Parvatheeswarar.
Thiru Theli Cherry:
Another legend is that due to lack of monsoon, this area was severely affected by draught. The then ruler, a Chola King, prayed to Lord Shiva to save the people from starvation. It is believed that Lord Shiva came to this place in the guise of a farmer, ploughed the fields and sowed paddy seeds. This fields yielded enormous harvest and the people were freed from the clutches of starvation. As Lord himself sowed seeds here, this place came to be known as “Thiru Theli Cherry” - “Theli” means to sow, “Cheri” means place and “Thiru is a respectful prefix in Tamil.
Koovi Azhaitha Pillayar:
After worshipping Lord Dharbaranyeswarar in Thirunallaru, it is believed that Saint Thirugnanasambanthar passed through this place without noticing this temple. Lord Vinayakar is then believed to have called the saint 10 times, made him turn back and visit this temple. As Vinayakar called the saint, he is praised as “Koovi Azhaitha Pillayar”. (“Koovi Azhaitha” means calling loudly in Tamil). This place was also referred to as “Koovi Azhaitha” but over a period it has changed to “Koil Pathu”.
Conflict between Jainism and Shaivism:
Pothimangai, a small village situated close to Thiruthelichery was under the evil influence of Jainism.  People in this village were forcibly followed the Jain principles and philosophies. Thiru Gnana Sambandhar and his followers were paid visit to Thiruthelichery, after the worship of Lord Parvatheeswarar with his consort Goddess Shakthinayaki, they arrived at Pothimangai accompanied by the followers who were reciting the glorious verses of Thiruneetru Pathigam were detained by the Jains.  
At this moment, followers of Sambandhar passionately sung the Panchakshara Pathigam praising the glories of Lord.  Instantly the leader of the Jainism was killed by a sudden lightning.  Afterwards, there was a huge conflict broke out amongst them about the superiority of the principles and teachings of Jainism and Shaivism, eventually Shaiva Siddhantha won over the Jain principles. The Jains realized their folly and turned out ardent devotees of Lord Shiva.
Arjuna worshipped Lord Shiva here:
Another legend associated with this place is that of Arjuna – Arjuna is believed to have visited this place and worshiped Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva blessed him with his darshan in the form of a hunter. Arjuna prayed to the lord that the lord and the Theertham be named after him. Lord Shiva agreed to fulfil his wish, hence the lord is known as Phalguna Lingam and the Theertham is known as Phalguna Theertham.
Raja Lingam:
It is believed that as advised by Sage Vashista, a king called Ambarisha prayed to Lord Shiva here and was blessed with a child. Thus, the lord here is also known as Sri Raja Lingam.
Names in different Yugas:
The place was known as Brahmma Vanam in Kritha Yuga, Sameevanam in Tretha, Ananda Vanam in Dwapara Yuga and Mukthi Vana in the present Kaliyuga.
People worshipped Lord Shiva here:
It is believed that Goddess Parvathi, Lord Brahma, Lord Indra, Saint Markandeya, Arjuna and Lord Suryan have worshiped Lord Shiva here. 

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